I value Focus CPA’s services to be really great and been with them for many years, over five years now. Peace of mind is what I look at FOCUS, because I do not have to worry. One less hassle for me to worry about anything that Focus is involved in. Deliver is number one for Focus, because I get carried away with my own stuff. “Deliver” is what they call me to say here is your stuff, goes on time not to worry about it at all. Calls are returned anytime I need to get answers from them or anything, they call me back right away with the answers so I do not have to worry about it at all. I would very much like to recommend Focus CPA to others and I have done so and will continue to do so because I think many people should get involved with Focus and have this peace of mind just like I do. I think Amit is a pleasure working with him, he is a great guy and I would like to add that it is a good relationship we have with him and value it very much.